Bike Information | Help & Advice About Ireland


Ireland Travel Advice

When you make a booking with Connemara Adventure Tours, we will send you information on what to expect when holidaying in Ireland, along with lots of helpful tips and advice. We will provide detailed itineraries, maps and tour notes and are always happy to answer any queries you may have about your tour.

We look forward to welcoming you to Connemara and the west of Ireland soon. Please do not hesitate to contact us by phone or email if you require any further assistance or information.

Here is some useful information to help you prepare for your adventure in Ireland. You can also find lots of helpful tips and answers to your questions in our FAQ area.

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Ireland can often have four seasons in one day but usually does not experience extremes of climate. The weather can also be very localised and so could change considerably as you make your way from place to place. Temperatures generally range from 15 to 20 degrees Celsius in the summer and from 5 to 10 degrees Celsius in the winter with rainfall throughout the year. Rain gear is essential and otherwise, just be ready for almost anything!

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In keeping with the variable weather your clothing will need to reflect the conditions, so layers which can be added and removed as necessary are probably the best idea. You will also need comfortable waterproof shoes for walking and cycling and of course rain gear is essential. You will be sent a comprehensive list of recommended clothing and equipment on booking.

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The currency in Ireland is the Euro. Most businesses now accept credit cards for payment. American Express and Diners Club are the only ones which are not widely accepted. ATM machines are available in all small towns but not in villages, so it is advisable to have some cash with you on your tour for smaller purchases. Banks are to be found in most small to medium sized towns in Ireland. Currency exchange is best done at a bank rather than in hotels or other establishments to ensure you get the best rate.

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Ireland is English-speaking throughout and Gaelic is also spoken in pockets mainly along the west coast in areas known as Gaeltachts. Our accents change almost from village to village which can be a source of amazement for visitors and of course we use a lot of colloquialisms. Irish people tend not to be very fluent in other European languages, but they will often give it a try to help tourists and they will also show great patience if you are struggling with getting your message across in English!

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Food is generally of a very high quality in Ireland and offers plenty of choice. Breakfast in all our hotels, guesthouses and B&Bs is known as a Full Irish Breakfast and is a cooked breakfast of eggs, rashers, sausages, mushrooms, puddings, tomatoes and even baked beans! A continental breakfast will also be offered. A range of options for lunch and dinner are normally offered everywhere from pub-grub to fine dining restaurants and hotels. Every small village will serve food of some sort. You will be well-fed for your journey, of that we can guarantee you!


An institution in itself and a main location for all sorts of entertainment in Ireland, both day and night. Many pubs serve very good food for lunch and dinner. The range of entertainment to be found in pubs varies from card games, singing, dancing, traditional music sessions - some organised and some impromptu - and always great craic, as we say here! So, if the person at the next table to you breaks into song or starts to play the fiddle do not be alarmed, just sit back and enjoy.


We are known for our fondness for alcoholic beverages, especially that black stuff which we particularly enjoy. However please do not feel obliged to join us, we will happily serve you a coffee or a soft drink in any of our pubs and to be honest much of the talk of our drinking habits is often the stuff of myths and legends so do not be put off by it!


We are generally a friendly and hospitable nation, something which we are very proud of and which we try to maintain. In more rural areas and smaller towns and villages we will likely say hello to you as we pass you in the street and we will wave as we drive past you too. Again, this might take some getting used to but feel free to join in. If you are in trouble or lost do not be afraid to stop someone in the street or call in to a pub or shop and ask for assistance. We also like to chat and are genuinely interested in you so be prepared to be asked a few questions about yourself, but do not worry, we generally know when to stop too!